Maskwacis Cree Junior High
This Newsletter is here to present student updates, activities, news and more!
School Announcements:
January 9: Senior Boys Basketball First Home Game
January 22: PAC Meeting
School Events:
This Newsletter is here to present student updates, activities, news and more!
January 9: Senior Boys Basketball First Home Game
January 22: PAC Meeting
Our Student Leadership Team, where all students have:
The Maskwacîs Education Schools Commission values of Îyinîw Mâmitonehicikan, Nehiyaw Pimâtisiwin, Nehiyawewin, and Wâhkôhtowin are foundational to the Kisikeyihtamowin program.
This grade 7-12 program is designed to provide rich Nehiyaw Pimâtisiwin experiences and optimum educational opportunities to support and meet the additional identified needs of Oskâyak.
Oskâyak will engage in Nehiyawâtisiwin, Nehiyawewin, and Okapewes opportunities, including functional literacy and numeracy, work experience/readiness, self-advocacy, and other life skills with an emphasis on real-life situations and hands-on learning experiences. Integration into inclusive programming with same-aged peers is encouraged and is based on each Oskâyak strengths and interests.